If i hear nothing for an entire week, i'll begin looking for a replacement. Posting Rate: Once a day during the weekdays with weekends being post if you can.Ībsence: Please, please, please post in the OOC thread if you're going to be absent for any period of time. They have their own concerns, the world is alive and it functions with or without you. I prefer to play in a more gritty realism type game and should you join this game here expect NPC's that are more than just meatsacks with various HP. I'm open to suggestions and constructive criticism should you have any too. So you can expect me to have a reasonable grasp of how things work. So i've been playing PbP games for a little over three years now, most of that time has been as a player, and almost all of that time has been with 5e.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. Preference will be given to the other players of a game we were in that had the DM vanish on us, so there is a minimum of 1 open spot, with the possibility of all 5 being up for grabs should none of them wish to apply. I'm looking for a group of 5 people to join me in this game. I'm going to be running this module, slightly altered to align better with the changes that have happened to 5e since the time of playtesting. Beorne Steelstrike, a veteran caravanner and shrewd trader, is leading that very journey and for one reason or another, you're along for the ride. In Luskan one last caravan prepares to depart for the north hoping to reach the pass before the winter snows make it all but impassable until the next spring. To most they're just tall tales from superstitious northern bumpkins, but for the merchants, the caravanners, they, along with unusually frigid autumn they've been experiencing has seen many of them call a early end to the trade season. Rumors have made their way south across the spine of the world to Luskan. And on the slopes of Kelvin’s Cairn, an old enemy awakens to finish the conquest he started over one hundred years ago. To the north, the Reghed tribes whisper stories of the Frostmaiden, manifested in the world to punish those who have strayed from her worship. Beyond the walls, wolves and yetis prowl the wilds, and few travelers brave enough to venture there ever return. The people of Ten-Towns are on edge with food and supplies scarce, each town looks jealously to its own survival.