Macbeth act 5 summary
Macbeth act 5 summary

macbeth act 5 summary

Keep in mind that this quote is just one part of Lady Macbeth’s extremely powerful soliloquy. That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, Symbolism, themes, and motifs related to this quote Perhaps this is her greatest flaw, since while it’s true that one must be willing to sacrifice in order to achieve great and ambitious goals, one does not necessarily need to become a monster in order to achieve ambitious goals. Key to this conversation is the idea that Lady Macbeth inherently links being ambitious to “The illness should attend it.” (1.5.20) Basically, she believes that to be ambitious, one must lose their sense of morality in order to achieve it. There’s no doubting Lady Macbeth’s character - when it comes to being ruthless she’s the queen.


Spoken by Lady Macbeth in response to reading Macbeth’s update letter, describing all the witches’ prophecies and recent promotion, Lady Macbeth is basically saying here that Macbeth is too weak, too kind, too empathetic to be ambitious.


It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness As trumpets sound victory of the Scottish and English forces, MacDuff enters carrying MacBeth’s head and declared Malcolm King of Scotland.Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5 - Notes Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5 - Quotes & Explanations: Lady Macbeth MacBeth still does not give up and they continue fighting. MacDuff shocks MacBeth by letting him know he was not woman born but cut out of his mother’s womb. While fighting, MacBeth tells MacDuff he is wasting his time because he cannot be killed by a woman born human. MacDuff finally finds MacBeth and the fight begins. The castle is surrounded by Malcolm and Siward’s men. Malcolm makes a comment about MacBeth’s soldiers saying, “We have met with foes / That strike beside us,” because they aren’t even trying to fight (5. Scene V MacBeth kills the Young Siward and makes fun of the soldiers who are born from a woman because their swords can not kill him. Scene VI Malcolm orders his soldiers to throw down the branches and reveal to MacBeth’s castle who they really are.

macbeth act 5 summary

MacBeth is overcame by disbelief and horror that the apparition’s rophecy may come true which said that he couldn’t die until Birnam Wood moved towards Dunsinane. The messenger enters telling MacBeth that the forest of Birnam Wood is moving towards them, Dunsinane. Shocked by the abrupt end of his wife, MacBeth makes a compelling spiel. Scene V Seyton comes to tell MacBeth that the queen has died. Scene IV While marching toward Dunsinane, Malcolm orders his soldiers to break a branch off of a tree in Birnam Wood hope to, “Thereby shall we shadow / The numbers of our host,” and make MacBeth’s spies, “Err in report of us,” (5. MacBeth demands that the doctor rid her of the disease and cure her. The doctor reports to MacBeth about Lady MacBeth’s condition. Next, MacBeth orders Seyton to retrieve his armor so he can do what he does best, fight on the battlefield. MacBeth also refers to the second apparition and says he will reign until Birnam Wood is moved to Dunsinane.

macbeth act 5 summary

Scene I MacBeth tells his attendants they have nothing to fear of the army approaching them because no one of woman born can harm him. It is also reported that MacBeth has fortified Dunsinane Castle. It is decided that the Scottish army will meet the English army led by Malcolm by Birnam Wood to join forces together. Scene A group of Scottish lords gather together to discuss the military situation. Once she leaves the doctor looks stunned at such behavior. When Lady MacBeth enters the scene she washes her hands saying there is blood on them and refers to the murders: Duncan, Banquo, and Lady MacDuff. SUMMARY Scene I A doctor and gentlewoman are at the castle watching Lady MacBeth because she has been sleeping walking.

Macbeth act 5 summary